Paul & Gloria are friends of mine and have create a wonderful business educating and facilitating many expats from the grind of USA living to the hammock lifestyle of Costa Rica, especially San Ramon. My personal favorite place on the planet.
Here is what they have to say, and a link to their website is listed below.
Conserve, simplify, enjoy. These three words sum up the Retire for Less Philosophy or lifestyle. We believe one can:
- Enjoy the simple things in life
- Discard some old beliefs regarding retirement
- Count your cash, get your Social Security, and go where it’s cheaper
- Reinvent yourself and begin a whole new, adventurous phase of your life
- Look at your life differently, embrace the new culture, and try not to be ethnocentric.
- Scale down, live within your means, and learn to have fun, fun, fun!
- Conserve energy, go green, and live without air-conditioners, heaters, dehumidifiers, and cars, as much as possible
- Live without debt, reduce expenses, and reduce expectations
- Save money, spend less, use less, and be satisfied with less –less is more. l
Making these choices doesn’t have to be a bad thing, nor a sacrifice. It’s a good, positive thing. We believe that less can be more and we try to live it. We realize that our way is not the way for everyone. There are as many lifestyles in the world as there are people in it. But if our philosophy resonates with you, then we invite you along for the journey.

I have lived and worked in Costa Rica for over 20 years. I have opened up businesses, hired staff, opened up bank accounts, applied and received my residency and have Health Insurance. I have been to the Hospitals and clinics, the Dentist, the lawyers and accountants. I have bought and sold real estate, built homes and imported from both the USA and China.
My Costa Rican family owns Hotels, Hot springs, travel agencies, Chocolate factories, Zip lines and transportation services. I co-founded the largest Ex-pat organization in the Country, working alongside with the locals and the USA Embassy.
I have many contacts and connections in this small beautiful Country and have recently opened up a new type of consulting business. I do not have all the answers, but I know who does.
My services are simple. A 20-30 minute phone call after a questionnaire is completed. Fee: $50. Payed through PayPal or Venmo
For more Information: E-mail James Lee at [email protected]