How To Ceramic Tile A Shipping Container Home.
The design, construction and installation of ceramic tile in a shipping container home.
The ceramic work inside a shipping container home requires a layer of cement board or fibrolite. Each 40ft container needs a total of 10 piece of this material in order for the ceramic tile cement to bond with. The size of these boards is exactly a perfect fit. Which is incredible and makes the task a lot easier.
Each and every different Country has a list of regulations for which products can be imported. All these products that arrive must be inspected for any foreign invaders like insects, disease, virus, etc. This is why the shipping container floors are so heavily treated. So when you are dealing with the floor you must be very careful. Careful not to sand the floor before laying down the ceramic, this will just send the carcinogenic chemicals airborne. The best way is to first cover the floors with polyurethane or an epoxy paint coating.

The next step is to use a special paste that coheres to both the wood and the ceramic. Once you have your selected tile and you paste and the floor has been treated then you are ready to begin. Naturally this work should only be done by a professional and we are in no position to educated others on tile laying. You would be better off purchasing a book and or hiring a pro.
Based on our experience of tile work inside a sipping container, we highly recommend it. The cost is actually very low and the ceramic is a perfect seal to the wooden floor, easy to clean and looks great.

We also recommend that you tile your entire bathroom floor and most of the walls, especially in the shower. Remember to install you exit hole in the shower floor before you lay down the ceramic.