How To Install A Window or Sliding Glass Doors In A Shipping Container Home
The process of installing the glass in a shipping container home and/or office depends on the type of glass being used in accordance with the design of the home.
Click here to visit the installation of glass in a shipping container home.
When designing the shipping container home, the size, location and type of glass is very important. This is your natural light. Also this is the area where you will be cutting out the metal and most likely needing to support afterwards.
If the size of the cutout is very large, then you will need to re-support the opening with the proper sized metal post. The size, strength and amount of support beams will depend upon if you plan on using the roof to stack another shipping container or to create a roof top deck. We recommend you support your cutouts with one steel post(2×2 or 3×3) for every 10ft **of a cutout. For example, in the model below we removed the entire wall. So we supported our cutout with 2 steel posts, evenly distributed in accordance to the sliding glass doors.
What we have done so far to date has been the following:
- Installing standard stationary glass.
- Installing Louvered glass windows.
- Installing Sliding glass doors.
- Installing sliding glass windows.
The least expensive method is stationary glass and louvered. These are quite simple to and require less time.